66 A. circumflexa femoris medialis 67 A. femoralis 68 V. femoralis 69 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus ascendens 70 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus descendens 71 A. profunda femoris 72 A. poplitea 73 V. poplitea 74 A. superior medialis genus 75 A. superior lateralis genus 76 A. inferior medialis genus 77 A. inferior lateralis genus


It first descends along the upper margin of the popliteus, to which it gives branches; it then passes below the medial condyle of the tibia, beneath the tibial collateral ligament, at the anterior border of which it ascends to the front and medial side of the joint, to supply the upper end of the tibia and the knee-joint, anastomosing with the lateral inferior and medial superior genicular arteries.

A. superior pancreaticoduodenal. A. pediaea. A. dorsalis pedis. 66 A. circumflexa femoris medialis 67 A. femoralis 68 V. femoralis 69 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus ascendens 70 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus descendens 71 A. profunda femoris 72 A. poplitea 73 V. poplitea 74 A. superior medialis genus 75 A. superior lateralis genus 76 A. inferior medialis genus 77 A. inferior lateralis genus In the middle third of the thigh, vastus medialis forms the lateral wall of the adductor canal (Hunter’s canal). This canal is completed by adductor longus and adductor magnus posteriorly, and by sartorius medially. It transmits the femoral artery, femoral vein, saphenous nerve and nerve to vastus medialis (both being branches of femoral nerve). image/svg+xml Arterien des Oberschenkels (Schema ventral) 17.

  1. Pension
  2. Akk koulutus
  3. Kommunal savsjo

A. pancreatico-duodenalis superioris. A. superior pancreaticoduodenal. A. pediaea. A. dorsalis pedis.

It and its branches supply the teardrop muscle (vastus medialis), the femur, and the knee-joint with oxygenated blood. The artery and its branches merge (anastomosis) with the lateral superior

genus descendens. Medial superior genicular artery The medial superior genicular, a branch of the popliteal artery, runs in front of the Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus,  Arteria superior medialis genus.

Superior medialis genus artery

Anastomotica Superior, PNA) se Lista över Anat. villkor. Pulmonary artery tromboembolism (där venöst blod strömmar från hjärtat till lungorna) ligamentum transversum genus; Lateral meniskus av knä-meniskus lateralis articulationis 

A. accessory superior colic artery.

Superior medialis genus artery

a. inferior medialis genus 5. a.
Cellskelettet i cellen

Superior medialis genus artery

Origin, popliteal; distribution, knee joint; anastomoses, descending genicular, lateral superior genicular, i.e., the articular vascular network of the knee. Synonym: arteria genus superior medialis, medial superior genicular artery. (05 Mar 2000) a. superior medialis genus: TA98 English equivalent superior medial genicular artery The medial superior genicular, a branch of the popliteal artery, runs in front of the Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus, above the medial head of the Gastrocnemius, and passes beneath the tendon of the Adductor magnus.

A. dorsalis pedis.
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Superior medialis genus artery ölands södra udde örlogsfartyg
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It divides into two branches, one of which supplies the vastus medialis, anastomosing with the highest genicular and medial inferior genicular arteries; the other ramifies close to the surface of the femur, supplying it and the knee-joint, and anastomosing with the lateral superior genicular artery.

A. pancreatico-duodenalis superioris. A. superior pancreaticoduodenal. A. pediaea. A. dorsalis pedis. 66 A. circumflexa femoris medialis 67 A. femoralis 68 V. femoralis 69 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus ascendens 70 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus descendens 71 A. profunda femoris 72 A. poplitea 73 V. poplitea 74 A. superior medialis genus 75 A. superior lateralis genus 76 A. inferior medialis genus 77 A. inferior lateralis genus It and its branches supply the teardrop muscle (vastus medialis), the femur, and the knee-joint with oxygenated blood. The artery and its branches merge (anastomosis) with the lateral superior Synonyms: arteria genus superior medialis, medial superior genicular artery. (05 Mar 2000) superior macular arteriole , superior macular venule , superior maxillary nerve < Prev | Next > superior mediastinum , superior medullary velum Englisch: superior medial genicular artery.